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5 items

SterlingCool-FCL3 (All-Purpose Shop Cleaner)- 5 Gallon Pail

SterlingCool-FCL3 Product Information Sheet   SterlingCool-FCL3 is an excellent multi-purpose ind...

SterlingCool-FCL3 Product Information Sheet   SterlingCool-FCL3 is an excellent multi-purpose industrial cleaner that can be used on floors and surfaces. It dissolves oils and greases, lifting and emulsifying them for easy total soil removal. Product is safe to use and also has a very pleasant and clean fragrance. Excellent for the “Go To” cleaner in the shop! SterlingCool-FCL3 is an excellent broad spectrum cleaner and can handle almost every job! Mix at 10:1 for strongest applications; 20:...


SterlingCool-FCL3 (All-Purpose Shop Cleaner)- 55 Gallon Drum

SterlingCool-FCL3 Product Information Sheet   SterlingCool-FCL3 is an excellent multi-purpose ind...

SterlingCool-FCL3 Product Information Sheet   SterlingCool-FCL3 is an excellent multi-purpose industrial cleaner that can be used on floors and surfaces. It dissolves oils and greases, lifting and emulsifying them for easy total soil removal. Product is safe to use and also has a very pleasant and clean fragrance. Excellent for the “Go To” cleaner in the shop! SterlingCool-FCL3 is an excellent broad spectrum cleaner and can handle almost every job! Mix at 10:1 for strongest applications; 20:1...


SterlingCool-FCL3 (All-Purpose Shop Cleaner)- 275 Gallon Tote

SterlingCool-FCL3 Product Information Sheet   SterlingCool-FCL3 is an excellent multi-purpose ind...

SterlingCool-FCL3 Product Information Sheet   SterlingCool-FCL3 is an excellent multi-purpose industrial cleaner that can be used on floors and surfaces. It dissolves oils and greases, lifting and emulsifying them for easy total soil removal. Product is safe to use and also has a very pleasant and clean fragrance. Excellent for the “Go To” cleaner in the shop! SterlingCool-FCL3 is an excellent broad spectrum cleaner and can handle almost every job! Mix at 10:1 for strongest applications; 20:...


Sump Cleaner SCL1- 5 Gallon Pail

SterlingCool-SCL1 Product Information Sheet   SCL1 Sump Cleaner Cleaning Procedure for Coolant...

SterlingCool-SCL1 Product Information Sheet   SCL1 Sump Cleaner Cleaning Procedure for Coolant Sump Drain the entire coolant sump. Remove all chips, tramp oils, and other solids from tank. Fill the system with a mix of water and “SCL1” sump cleaner (approximately 50 gallons of water-to- 1 gallon of SCL1) and circulate the mix in machine for at least 1 hour. If the system is highly contaminated, circulate longer. After the cleaner has been circulated for recommended time, drain the ...


Sump Cleaner SCL1- 55 Gallon Drum

SterlingCool-SCL1 Product Information Sheet   SCL1 Sump Cleaner Cleaning Procedure for Coolant...

SterlingCool-SCL1 Product Information Sheet   SCL1 Sump Cleaner Cleaning Procedure for Coolant Sump Drain the entire coolant sump. Remove all chips, tramp oils, and other solids from tank. Fill the system with a mix of water and “SCL1” sump cleaner (approximately 50 gallons of water-to- 1 gallon of SCL1) and circulate the mix in machine for at least 1 hour. If the system is highly contaminated, circulate longer. After the cleaner has been circulated for recommended time, drain the ...
